
Kingston 快播视频

Located in the historic village of Kingston, the 快播视频 of Rhode Island is close to the ocean and major beaches. Our 1,200-acre campus, a mix of ivy-covered buildings and contemporary architecture, is 30 miles south of Providence, and within easy reach of Newport, Boston, and New York City. In 2018, the core of the Kingston 快播视频 was named to the . 

Nursing Education Center

Located in a vibrant section of Providence, the opened in August 2017, offering 133,000 square feet of laboratory, classroom and office space at 350 Eddy Street. The Center is the educational anchor of a regional hub for health care learning, practice, and biomedical research in Providence.

Narragansett Bay 快播视频

Overlooking the West Passage of Narragansett Bay, this 153-acre campus is home to URI’s highly acclaimed , one of the top five oceanographic institutions in the country. The campus also houses the 快播视频’s Coastal Institute on Narragansett Bay, which features an interactive coastal environment exhibit and conference center.